Website provide free HTML color code and JavaScript tools

For those of you all who are learning to create web design for blogs or websites using HTML, the online HTML color tool is will be useful caused we would be easy in our work activities in designing a website. author think this one is worth the try, an HTML color code online, lets you directly see the results of the html tags that you typed in the editor.

This web tool one is also suitable for those who want to know the Webdesign results of structures html tags on a web page, simply paste it in the editor and see the results, which clearly html editor is really worth the try. Very minimalist appearance, only consists of 2 pieces frame, with javascript as a control point, but with the same features as the editor and browser, because it can use it for anything you need a browser.

Yes, I would not exchange pleasantries again, that you want to try it, Do not forget to save the URL as a bookmark your site.
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